Pho Recipe: The Ultimate Guide to Vietnam’s Soul-Warming Soup

Pho, a cornerstone of Vietnamese cuisine, is a soul-warming soup renowned for its complex flavors and aromatic broth. This iconic dish blends rich history with culinary artistry, making it a staple in Vietnamese culture and a global favorite.


  • Broth: Beef bones, onions, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, and fish sauce.
  • Noodles: Banh pho noodles, which are flat rice noodles.
  • Protein: Thinly sliced beef (usually sirloin or flank), cooked briefly in the hot broth.
  • Garnishes: Fresh herbs like Thai basil, cilantro, and mint; bean sprouts, lime wedges, sliced chili peppers, and hoisin sauce.


  1. Preparing the Broth:
    • To create the rich and flavorful base of Pho, begin by charring onions and ginger over an open flame until they develop a deep, smoky aroma. This step adds complexity to the broth, enhancing its depth of flavor. Next, place beef bones into a large stockpot filled with water, ensuring they are fully submerged. Add star anise, cinnamon sticks, and cloves to the pot, allowing their warm, spicy notes to infuse into the broth as it simmers.
    • Simmer the broth over low heat for at least 6 hours, gently coaxing out the essence of the bones and spices. This slow cooking process is crucial, as it allows the flavors to meld together harmoniously, resulting in a broth that is both hearty and aromatic. As the broth nears completion, season it with fish sauce to taste, adjusting the saltiness to your preference. The fish sauce adds a savory umami depth that complements the other ingredients perfectly.
  2. Cooking the Noodles and Beef
    • While the broth simmers, prepare the banh pho noodles according to the package instructions. These flat rice noodles should be cooked until they are tender yet slightly chewy, providing a satisfying texture to the soup.
    • Thinly slice the beef, typically sirloin or flank steak, against the grain to ensure tenderness. Once the noodles and beef are ready, arrange the sliced beef in individual serving bowls. The hot broth will be poured over the beef slices, cooking them gently to a perfect medium-rare as it heats them through.
  3. Assembly:
    • To assemble the Pho bowls, divide the cooked noodles among the serving bowls, ensuring each portion is generous and evenly distributed. Arrange the thinly sliced beef on top of the noodles, creating an inviting presentation.
    • Carefully ladle the hot broth over the beef and noodles, allowing the fragrant liquid to permeate every layer of the dish. The steaming broth will release enticing aromas, inviting anticipation for the first spoonful. Serve the Pho immediately, accompanied by an assortment of fresh garnishes and condiments such as Thai basil, cilantro, bean sprouts, lime wedges, sliced chili peppers, and hoisin sauce on the side.

Tips for Variation

  1. Vegetarian Option: Substitute beef broth with mushroom or vegetable broth, and use tofu or tempeh instead of beef.
  2. Seafood Twist: Add shrimp, squid, or fish balls to the broth for a seafood Pho.
  3. Spicy Kick: Enhance the broth with sriracha or chili oil for those who prefer a spicier flavor profile.
  4. Herb Varieties: Experiment with different herbs like sawtooth herb or culantro for unique flavors.
  5. Broth Intensity: Adjust the intensity of the broth by simmering longer for a richer flavor or diluting with more water for a milder taste.
  6. Customized Garnishes: Offer a variety of garnishes such as fried shallots, sliced onions, or shredded cabbage for added texture and flavor.


  • Calories: 350-450 calories per serving depending on ingredients and portions.
  • Protein: 20-30 grams per bowl.
  • Carbohydrates: 40-50 grams.
  • Fat: 10-15 grams.


  1. Can Pho be made in advance?
    • Yes, you can prepare components like broth and noodles ahead. Store them separately and assemble them just before serving to maintain freshness.
  2. What is the best cut of beef for Pho?
    • Lean cuts like sirloin or flank are ideal because they cook quickly in the hot broth without becoming tough.
  3. How do you pronounce “Pho”?
    • It’s pronounced “fuh.”
  4. Is Pho gluten-free?
    • Traditional Pho made with rice noodles is gluten-free. Ensure all sauces and condiments used are also gluten-free.
  5. Can Pho be frozen?
    • Broth and cooked noodles can be frozen separately. Thaw and reheat gently before serving.

Pho Recipe: The Ultimate Guide to Vietnam’s Soul-Warming Soup

Pho, a cornerstone of Vietnamese cuisine, is a soul-warming soup renowned for its complex flavors and aromatic broth. This iconic dish blends rich history with culinary artistry, making it a staple in Vietnamese culture and a global favorite.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Course Lunch
Cuisine Thai
Calories 360 kcal


  • Broth: Beef bones onions, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, and fish sauce.
  • Noodles: Banh pho noodles which are flat rice noodles.
  • Protein: Thinly sliced beef usually sirloin or flank, cooked briefly in the hot broth.
  • Garnishes: Fresh herbs like Thai basil cilantro, and mint; bean sprouts, lime wedges, sliced chili peppers, and hoisin sauce.


Preparing the Broth:

  • To create the rich and flavorful base of Pho, begin by charring onions and ginger over an open flame until they develop a deep, smoky aroma. This step adds complexity to the broth, enhancing its depth of flavor. Next, place beef bones into a large stockpot filled with water, ensuring they are fully submerged. Add star anise, cinnamon sticks, and cloves to the pot, allowing their warm, spicy notes to infuse into the broth as it simmers.
  • Simmer the broth over low heat for at least 6 hours, gently coaxing out the essence of the bones and spices. This slow cooking process is crucial, as it allows the flavors to meld together harmoniously, resulting in a broth that is both hearty and aromatic. As the broth nears completion, season it with fish sauce to taste, adjusting the saltiness to your preference. The fish sauce adds a savory umami depth that complements the other ingredients perfectly.

Cooking the Noodles and Beef

  • While the broth simmers, prepare the banh pho noodles according to the package instructions. These flat rice noodles should be cooked until they are tender yet slightly chewy, providing a satisfying texture to the soup.
  • Thinly slice the beef, typically sirloin or flank steak, against the grain to ensure tenderness. Once the noodles and beef are ready, arrange the sliced beef in individual serving bowls. The hot broth will be poured over the beef slices, cooking them gently to a perfect medium-rare as it heats them through.


  • To assemble the Pho bowls, divide the cooked noodles among the serving bowls, ensuring each portion is generous and evenly distributed. Arrange the thinly sliced beef on top of the noodles, creating an inviting presentation.
  • Carefully ladle the hot broth over the beef and noodles, allowing the fragrant liquid to permeate every layer of the dish. The steaming broth will release enticing aromas, inviting anticipation for the first spoonful. Serve the Pho immediately, accompanied by an assortment of fresh garnishes and condiments such as Thai basil, cilantro, bean sprouts, lime wedges, sliced chili peppers, and hoisin sauce on the side.
Keyword Pho recipe
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